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Travel - US - States - Scottish Festivals and Highland Games

My family loves to attend culturally-based festivals and some of our favorites are the Scottish festivals. You can usually find people dressed in kilts and clan tartans plus bagpipes, dancing, adult beverages, food, and family-friendly activities. Most of the 2020 events have been/were cancelled due to Covid, but 2021 looks promising so start planning now. Please check the festival for specific dates, as dates may change without notice.

State: City - Festival: Website: Dates or Cancelled?
Alabama Dothan - Southeast Alabama Highland Games https://wiregrasshighlandgames.com/ September
Alaska Palmer - Alaska Scottish Highland Games https://alaskanscottish.org/ June
Arizona Flagstaff - Arizona Highland Celtic Festival http://www.nachs.info/festival.shtml July
Arizona Phoenix - Scottish Games http://phoenixscottishgames.com/ March
Arizona Tucson - Celtic Festival and Scottish Highland Games http://www.tucsoncelticfestival.org/ November
California Dixon - Highland Games http://www.scotsindixon.org/ TBD
California Fremont - Tartan Day http://www.eastbayscots.org/ April
California Monterey - Scottish Games and Celtic Festival http://www.montereyscotgames.com/ August
California Pleasonton - Scottish Highland Gathering and Game https://thescottishgames.com/ July
California San Diego - SD Highland Games https://sdhighlandgames.org/ June
California Sonora - Celtic Faire http://calaverascelticfaire.com/ March
California Ventura - Seaside Highland Games https://www.seasidehighlandgames.org/ October
California Woodland - Celtic Games https://woodlandcelticgames.org/ January
Colorado Colorado Springs - Pikes Peak Celtic Festival https://pikespeakcelticfestival.com/ June
Colorado Cortez - Celtic Fair https://cortezcelticfair.com/ June
Colorado Durango - Celtic Festival www.durangocelticfestival.com March
Colorado Edgewater - Scottish Games http://www.scottishgames.org/ August
Colorado Elizabeth - Celtic Festival https://www.elizabethcelticfest.org/ July
Colorado Longmont - Tartan Day http://www.coloradotartanday.com/ April
Florida Green Cove Springs - Northeast Florida Scottish Highland Games https://www.neflgames.com/ February
Florida Dunedin - Highland Games and Festival http://dunedinhighlandgames.com/ November 21 – 22, 2020
Florida Ormond Beach - Celtic Festival http://ormondbeachcelticfestival.com/ TBD
Florida Plantation - South East Florida Highland Games https://sassf.org/events/festivalfestival.html March
Florida Sarasota - Highland Games https://www.sarasotahighlandgames.com/ February
Florida St Augustine - Celtic Music and Heritage Festival http://www.celticstaugustine.com/ March
Florida Winter Springs - Central Florida Scottish Highland Gamees http://www.flascot.com/ TBD
Georgia Balirsville - Scottish Festival https://blairsvillescottishfestival.com/ June
Georgia Savannah - Scottish Games https://www.savannahscottishgames.com/ May
Georgia Stone Mountain - Highland Games and Scottish Festival http://www.smhg.org/ October
Indiana Columbus - Scottish Festival http://scottishfestival.org/ September
Indiana Indianapolis - Scottish Highland Games and Festival https://indyscotgamesandfest.com/ October
Iowa Davenport - Celtic Highland Games of the Quad Cities http://celtichighlandgames.org/ September
Illinois Hamilton Lakes - Scottish Festival and Highland Games https://www.chicagoscots.org/ August
Kansas Wichita - Great Plains Renaissance and Scottish Festival https://www.greatplainsrenfest.com/ April
Kentucky Glasgow - Highland Games https://www.glasgowhighlandgames.com/ June
Louisiana Lafayette - Celtic Bayou Festival http://www.celticbayoufest.com/ March
Louisiana Minden - Scottish Tartan Festival https://scottishsociety.wixsite.com/tartan-festival April
Maine Belfast - Main Celtic Celebration http://www.mainecelticcelebration.com/ July
Maryland Elkton - Fair Hill Scottish Games http://fairhillscottishgames.org/ May
Maryland Prince Frederick - Southern Maryland Celtic Festival https://www.cssm.org/events/festival/ April
Maryland Friendsville - Garrett County Celtic Festival http://gccelticfestival.com/ June
Massachusettes Florence - Glasglow Lands Scottish Festival https://www.glasgowlands.org/ July
Michigan Alma - Highland Festival http://www.almahighlandfestival.com/ May
Michigan Detroit - Saint Andrew's Society of Detroit - Highland Games https://highlandgames.com/ August
Michigan Saline - Celtic Festival https://www.salineceltic.org/ July
Michigan Sparta - Celtic Festival https://www.spartacelticfest.org/ August
Mississppi Jackson - CelticFest celticfestms.org/wp/ March
Mississippi Gulfport - Celtic Music Festival and Scottish Highland Games https://www.mshighlandsandislands.org/ November
Minnesota Eagan - Minnesota Scottish Fair and Highland Games http://www.mnscottishfair.org/ July
Montana Hamilton - Bitterroot Celtic Games and Gathering http://www.bcgg.org/ August
Nevada Reno - Northern Nevada Celtic Celebration http://www.renoceltic.org/ May
Nevada Las Vegas - Highland Games http://www.lasvegascelticsociety.org/ April
New Hampshire Lincoln - New Hampshire Highland Games https://nhscot.org/ September
New Jersey Bordentown - Kilt Fest NJ https://www.kiltfestusa.com/ October
New Mexico Aztec - Highland Games and Celtic Festival https://www.aztechighlandgames.com/ October
New York Fort Ticonderoga - Scots Day https://www.fortticonderoga.org/ June
New York Lockport - Niagara Celtic Heritage Festival and Highland Games http://www.niagaraceltic.com/ September
New York Syracuse - Central New York Scottish Games https://cnyscottishgames.org/ August
New York Long Island - Scottish Festival and Games http://www.liscots.org/festival_and_games.htm August
New York Shortsville - Finger Lakes Celtic Festival http://www.flceltic.org/ May
North Carolina Linville - Grandfather Mountain Highland Games http://www.gmhg.org/ July
North Carolina Laurinburg - Scotland County Highway Games http://www.carolina-highlandgames.com/ October
North Carolina Huntersville - Loch Norman Highland Games http://lochnorman.com/ April
Ohio Wellington - Ohio Scottish Games and Celtic Festival https://www.ohioscottishgames.com/ June
Oklahoma Edmund - United Scot Clans Oklahoma Scottish Heritage Festival https://unitedscotsok.com/ Postponed to October for 2020
Oklahoma Tulsa - OK Scot Fest https://okscotfest.com/ September
Oregon Albany - Scottish Festival and Highland Games https://www.facebook.com/events/timber-linn-park/albany-scottish-festival-highland-games/3688575747827011/ May
Oregon Eugene - Scottish Festival http://www.eugenescottishfestival.com/index.html May
Pennsylvania Ligonier - Highland Games http://www.ligonierhighlandgames.org/ September
Pennsylvania Quarreyville - Covenanter Scottish Festival and Highland Games https://www.covenanterscottishfestival.com/ September
Pennsylvania Bethlehem - Celtic Classic Highland Games and Festival https://www.celticfest.org/ September
Pennsylvania Mannheim - PA Renaissance Faire http://www.parenfaire.com/ September
Pennsylvania East Stroudsburg - Shawnee Celtic Festival https://www.shawneemt.com/events/cancelled-shawnee-celtic-festival September
South Carolina Greenville - Scottish Games www.gallabrae.com May
South Carolina Cayce - Tartan Day South https://tartandaysouth.com/ April
South Dakota Aberdeen - Celtic Fair and Games https://nesdcelticfaire.com/ September
Tennessee Maryville - Smoky Mountain Scottish Festival and Games http://smokymountaingames.org/about/ May
Tennessee Brownsville - West Tennessee Annual Celtic Fest http://www.celticsocietyofwtn.org/cswtpg4.html October
Texas Midland - West Texas Celtic Fair https://westtexascelticfair.com/ March
Texas Helotes - The San Antonio Highland Games https://www.sahga.org/ April
Texas Houston - Houston Highland Games and Celtic Festival https://houstonhighlandgames.com/ TBD
Texas Decatur - Texas Scottish Festival and Highland Games https://www.texasscots.com/ April
Texas Salado - Scottish Gathering and Highland Games https://saladomuseum.org/scottish-gathering-and-highland-games/ November
Texas Sherman - Scottish Festival and Highland Games https://www.shermancelticfest.com/ March
Texas Ingram - Kerr County Celtic Festival http://www.kerrcountyceltic.com/ October
Utah Highland - Highland Fling https://www.highlandcity.org/169/Highland-Fling July
Utah Moab - Scots on the Rocks Celtic Fest https://www.scotsontherocksmoab.org/ November
Utah Payson - Scottish Festival http://www.paysonscottishfestival.org/ July
Utah Salt Lake City - Utah Scottish Festival http://utahscots.org/ June
Utah St George - Red Stone Highland Games https://www.redstonehighlandgames.com/ October
Virginia Radford - Radford Highlanders Festival https://www.radford.edu/content/festival/home.html October
Virginia Richmond - Central Virginia Celtic Festival and Highland Games http://vacelticfestival.com/ October
Washington Prosser - Scottish Fest and Highland Games https://www.prosserscottishfest.org/ June
Washington Seattle - Scottish Highland Games http://www.sshga.org/ TBD
Washington Tacoma - Highland Games https://www.tacomagames.org/ July
Wisconsin Milwaukee - Highland Games http://milwaukeehighlandgames.org/ June
West Virginia Parkersburg - Scottish and Celtic Heritage Festival https://sites.google.com/site/scottishcelticheritagefestival/ April
Wyoming Cheyenne - Celtic Festival https://www.facebook.com/CelticFestival/ June
Wyoming Evanston - Celtic Festival http://theartsinc.com/celtic-festival March

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